Tuesday, September 13, 2011

7th & 8th Graders Experience Fishing

          On Friday September 9th, I attended the fishing trip with Mr. Moline and Ms. Yahn. Fishing was a very fun experience. It was the first time for me and I had a lot of fun, so did everyone that went. When we got there Ms. McKenny, who works for the park district, taught us how to put the bait on the hook and how to cast. It seems easy but it was kind of hard, especially if it was your first time fishing like me. After that, we got our fishing rod and we were ready to fish. Some people caught very unique fish such as the Large-mouth Bass and a Rock Bass. Most of the people caught Blue Gill fish. We all had an amazing time and hoped the day would never end. But, sadly we had to leave. Fishing was very fun and I hope Mr. Moline and Ms. Yahn plan another trip because I would love to go again.
By Judy H. 317 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where can I contact Mr Moline?! I was his student over 20 years ago! I would love to be able to thank him for being the best teacher ever!